The Russian Ethnic Community Society organized the first Be Connected program seminar at the Russian Club in Strathfield. The Be Connected program provides individuals aged 50 and above with access to free support for essential digital skills. Throughout Australia, a network of community organizations is working to assist seniors, and now this program is available in Russian as well.
The program is designed for individuals with varying levels of technology knowledge and includes basic computer, tablet, phone, and internet usage skills. It also covers courses on online safety, social media usage, online shopping, selling online, internet banking, photo editing, teleconferencing, government portals, understanding data and cloud basics, and much more.
Participants in the program may also be provided with a touchscreen laptop for rent, connected to mobile internet, free of charge.
If you would like to join the program or know someone who would benefit from it, please register using the following link:
Advanced technology users may also have the option of remote training via teleconferencing (Zoom).